Also known as fallen arches, flat feet is a common condition that occurs when one or both of your feet have poor arches.
Flat feet is often caused by misalignment of the ankle and feet. It can also result from torn tendon injuries in the feet (posterior tibialis tendon tear). Many athletes, such as golfers, soccer players, and basketball players, have flat feet from continual stress on the ankle and feet while playing sports. Many occupational hazards, such as standing for a long time, can also cause flat feet.

What are the symptoms of flat feet?
Symptoms of flat feet include cramps and muscle pain in the heel, foot, ankle, and can even lead to pain in the knees, hips, and lower back. It can also lead to loss of motion in sports, work, and other daily activities.
What causes flat feet?
Flat feet often occurs during childhood, when the foot's arch is still being developed. Children who start participating sports at an early age (before 11) are more likely to develop flat feet. For example, many young golfers have acquired flat feet from continual stress on the ankle and feet from golf. Although many children outgrow it, it sometimes persists and can get worse with age. Flat feet can also also develop in adulthood as a result of injury, inflammation, or arthritis.
How can Forme® help with flat feet?
The Forme® Arch Booster Socks are made with patent-pending biofeedback technology that dynamically engages your small foot muscles to improve alignment, mobility, and reduce pain. Whether you're playing sports or just running errands, they'll support and stabilize your feet so you can go about your day with reduced pain and reduced risk of injury.
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