New Arrival: The Sculpt+ Legging Lux in Caviar



Accessibility Statement

Forme® is committed to making our website accessible to all users, regardless of abilities. Our mission has always been to build an inclusive community, and make posture correction easily accessible for everyone. For those using assistive technologies, including screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software, or video captions, our goal is to ensure that your experience with Forme®'s website is both successful and enjoyable. 

Our efforts are guided by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 Level AA to provide a user-friendly and accessible digital experience. This website offers an accessibility interface, allowing those with specific disabilities to personalize the interface and design to better accommodate their needs.

In our ongoing efforts to comply with these guidelines, we are regularly testing the site and taking a variety of steps to ensure compatibility with a variety of assistive technologies. 


Contact Us

If you are experiencing difficulty with any page or elements on our website, please contact our team at with more information. We welcome your feedback, and will do our best to make improvements wherever possible.